Here are some ideas which could use some discussion and careful consideration. It extends the current model specification: https://lindeloev.github.io/mcp/articles/formulas.html
In the order from "…
This first message is to explain what the multinomial distribution is, and why it could be important for R-Instat. The first "reply" gets down to more detail, even though I claim it is relatively low …
La idea de este issue es que dejemos un enlace, nota, imagen, comentario, etc. a recursos que nos encontramos por ahi y pensamos que pueden ser utiles para desarrollar este curso.
(another idea for diagnostic checks that should work in a relatively general way)
split observations into subgroups or strata by a predicted value, e.g. linear prediction in GLM or parametric survi…
I'm looking for feedback from anyone with experience of SIMs in terms of:
- [ ] How to not reinvent the wheel? Aim is for modelling functions in {spflow} and {gravity} and other packages to be easy…
I have been looking at this for many years, but without usable, interpretable conclusion.
As discussed with @andreasnoack on Slack, https://julialang.slack.com/archives/C6821M4KE/p1527711673000076 , making it possible to pass a matrix as weights would make it possible to do GLS with the GL…
(another missing piece in hypothesis testing plus everything. And I don't have an overview of theory, approaches, ...)
How can we construct simultaneous confidence intervals for several parameters?
[Linear regression in R](http://r-statistics.co/Linear-Regression.html)
[Formula syntax](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/stats/versions/3.6.2/topics/formula)
1. The : is for interactions b…
patsy converts object array string endog into dummy variables which are 2d endog
reported on mailing list
help on textbook ANOVA example