**Submitting author:** @ndem0 (Nicola Demo)
**Repository:** https://github.com/mathLab/PINA
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch):
**Version:** 0.0.2
**Editor:** @danielskatz
1. [Volatility Based Kernels and Moving Average Means for Accurate Forecasting with Gaussian Processes](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v162/benton22a/benton22a.pdf)
code [https://github.com/g-benton/V…
## 🚀 Feature
Enable gradient calculations during evaluation loops.
### Motivation
Some loss functions require the gradients of the outputs with respect to the inputs. For example, a physics i…
Chen R T Q, Rubanova Y, Bettencourt J, et al. [Neural ordinary differential equations](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2018/file/69386f6bb1dfed68692a24c8686939b9-Paper.pdf).
OSSU lacks other ML classes
3 Feb 2023
The earlier machine learning class by Prof. Andrew Ng and Stanford which used Octave on coursera was recreate…
Hi there, this is a wish: that you implement EXIT as a model for Neural Forecast
_EXIT: Extrapolation and Interpolation-based Neural Controlled Differential Equations for Time-series Classification…
Interested in the question of solving the Burger equation in the case of the dependence of the solution on time and coordinates. However, when studying the file embedded on Google Drive, I still did n…
Hello NEURON Developers,
I am responding to your discussion about NEURON's internal data structures [1]. I have some ideas for how they could be improved.
My name is David McDougall. By traini…
I wanted to know how to define a time-varying vector field with a specific structure. For instance, let $y \in R^{n \times 1}$. Our vector field has the following structure.
$\dfrac{dy}{dt} (t) = …
I am unable to find gnu octave in the mocaccino repositories.
If it is already available in mocaccino, please tell me where it is.
If it is not available, please consider building it and releasi…