_From @dhirschfeld on December 5, 2017 6:20_
I'm trying to mirror packages in an internal repo for use in an offline install. This has worked for years but today when trying to create a clean reposit…
We are developing [TransitionIndicators.jl](https://github.com/JuliaDynamics/TransitionIndicators.jl). There we use this surrogate package to test for significance. I coded the code below to bring sim…
Can I just check this is intended behavior? I was expecting the `weights` value to include / apply the sampling weights as those are printed in the summary method. Example to illustrate what I mean:
This is a detailed list of notes corresponding with openjournals/joss-reviews#4913. The checklist below may be modified as the review progresses. I'll create a separate issue for any items that requir…
Hello everyone,
I noticed in the code `erdogant/distfit/distfit.py` that whenever you use the KS statistical test (`stats=ks`), you call the `scipy.stats.ks_2samp` to test your data against the dis…
**Submitting author:** @wrightaprilm (April Wright)
**Repository:** https://github.com/wrightaprilm/treesiftr
**Version:** v1.0.0
**Editor:** @juanklopper
**Reviewer:** @ethanwhite, @rachelss
There are four different t-tests in scipy:
- `ttest_1samp` - Calculate the T-test for the mean of ONE group of scores.
- `ttest_ind` - Calculate the T-test for the means of two independent sampl…
[Equation (79)](https://pslmodels.github.io/OG-Core/content/theory/government.html#equation-equnbalgbc-rate-wedge) in the OG-Core documentation specifies the exogenous wedge between the government int…
Hi, In **MHKiT-Python**, inappropriate dependency versioning constraints can cause risks.
Below are the dependencies and version constraints that the project is using
Can we use findmarkers function to identify DEGs from continues variable. For example, I am looking for genes which are differential over time (T1, T2, T3) without using group like ident.1 vs ident.2.…