Need to be able to define a union type that can include multiple types.
So... I'm imagining something like this:
var x = (union`int | string`)`42`;
**Note:** The `( )` are optiona…
**Short description**
The following code is not working:
dataset, info = tfds.load('oxford_iiit_pet:4.*.*', with_info=True, download=True, data_dir="/tmp/data")
Error message:
I wish we could have polymorphic relationships like we could do in Hibernate.
Indeed I know you can use interface to abstract out some of the fields, and put them into one own entity with such shar…
It would be very convenient to have such an opportunity.
class File extends Resource {
public function fields(Request $request) {
return [
Hi, i would like to use this great package, but it's missing all polymorphic relations such as morphOne, morphMany and morphedByMany
Following works:
Following Dosent:
I was wondering how we would go about making comments have comments, would it be through a polymorphic association as well?
From [Polymorphic searches](https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack/wiki/Polymorphic-searches), I know that ransack can search an instance class of a polymorphic association as `Location.ransa…
I have put a minimal example in `examples/tests`. In summary, if you have the following functions:
comp :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
comp f g x = f (g x)
id2 :: (a -> a) -> (a ->…
Say I have a `Project` model defined, which in the ProjectResource defined on the backend has a relationship to `Board` defined as such:
`polymorphic_has_many :boards, as: :boardable`
The Board…