I debug it by pycharm, and I put the parameters "--config=qmix --env-config=sc2 with env_args.map_name=2s3z save_model=True save_model_interval=20000" in Edit Configurations.
there is:
Awesome work for extending the original pymarl! But will be much better if MPE can be included.
Is there any plan to open source the MPE-related code in this repository?
Awesome work! Just having trouble running MAPPO on the RWARE environment. My `run.json` is below. The main error is the `nan` causing `ValueError` appearing in the middle of training. I am wondering i…
How to implement joint-learning-based MARL algorithms(e.g. MAPPO, QMIX, etc.) but not independent-learning-based algorithms(such as ppo implemented in the paper) on warp-drive? Dow you have the plan t…
I am reading about the WQMIX, but I am not sure about the proof in the appendix:
After running the command, I get the following file, but I don't see any files about tensorboard, how do I get the Episodic return graph?
Does anyone have code that reproduces the QMIX paper's graphs given the JSON files resulting from training?
ValueError: Expected parameter probs (Tensor of shape (107520, 15)) of distribution Categorical(probs: torch.Size([107520, 15])) to satisfy the co…
We didn't build the Dockerfile and directly set up StarCraft II and SMAC by using bash install_sc2.sh. The environment we download includes StartCraftII folder and SMAC_Maps folder.
When we run "pyth…