> This should ideally be moved to some kind of "stackable library of rules", but we don't currently have a good way to deploy and manage that.
> _Originally posted by @nightkr in https://github.c…
Hi Team! The last release (v0.0.4) was two years ago and uses the old version of OPA, meaning the policy language is missing a lot of features. Do you have any timelines about the next release date?
Create a CI GH Action, which will build and push the cuelang modules, Rego and CEL policies to Intelops GHCR registry using genval CLI
## Short description
In some circumstances, use of keywords on the left hand side of comprehensions can cause the error message to be `unexpected identifier token: non-terminated object` rather th…
I'm trying to run kubent on an AKS cluster using Azure AD Authentication with Kubernetes RBAC. This setup requires the installation of kubelogin for converting the kubeconfig so that Microsoft authent…
With this policy in `t.rego`
package t
f(x, y, 1) = v {
f0 := split(y[0], "~")[0]
v := x[f0]
} else = count {
count = y
} else = [v] {
v := x[y[0]]
repeatedly calli…
This epic covers the overall python units tests created for the ScubaGoggles tool
This can be further be split into multiple issues covering the units tests at a more granular level. (say unit tests …
Hi, I create a VS Code extension [Rego](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kindy.rego) with regols.
@kitagry thanks for create this rego language server ~~
## What is the underlying problem you're trying to solve?
Given a list of disallowed components, and an SBOM as input, I would like to write a rego policy that:
1. Verifies the entries in the SB…
We currently have a mix of old yaml tests that are executed by a go script and rego tests that are executed by opa. We want to remove all the yaml tests and add rego tests for all policies. The test s…