Remaster rules are working very hard to compact the number of "worn" slots down.
However, in foundry, i…
``` perl
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "0.00";
@_{qw( a b )} = (0, 1);
$ perlcritic -1 test.pl
test.pl#8.15: [4 - Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars] Mag…
From @codesections #3965 :
"I also added a few more `X` entries, which should help with the issue @jubilatious1 brought up – it doesn't resolve it, but at least if someone is thinking of `@^` as a …
The following data was generated by this user using the Editor mode. Any required images should be uploaded to this issue by dragging and dropping.
"format": 2,
"enabled": true,
In some cases, the existing syntax of `promise! #()* ...` seems a little unwieldy, especially in the case of something like:
def get-something = promise! #(key)*
yield ...
# Environment
Cascadia Code version number: 1909.16
Application (with version) used to display text: Visual Studio Code 1.38.1
OS platform and version: Windows 10 Pro, 18362
Screen reso…
So, this needs a better name, but
= top
{ shuffle-once:
- A -> top
- B -> top
- C -> top
might produce
A B C or C A B or A C B
There is a key `special` in theme files that is used for the fuzzy highlighting in the file/command picker
This has been a long time issue that i've always just assumed was a client side problem. There was a recent mudlet forum post however that had described a solution. I'm not sure if this is already pre…
At the March TC39 meeting, I and others were able to articulate our misgivings about the current proposal. The obviously troublesome cases are things like:
``` js
class C {
[this.bar] = this.bar;