Проверить класс по работе с бизнес-логикой на SOLID. Изменить структуру программы, если это необходимо.
The example shown in readme (solid-start section) does not work out of the box. It shows error `tags array should be passed to in node`, however there is no suitable example mentioned in the docs abo…
Read about **SOLID** principles and then **refactor** your code
[Here is a good point to start learnin solid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtmFCcjEgEw)
via: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17441820
O código precisa obedecer os princípios SOLID https://medium.com/backticks-tildes/the-s-o-l-i-d-principles-in-pictures-b34ce2f1e898. Por exemplo, em src/orgset.py, O código está violando o princípio S…
Error messages are not readable, likely because they are printed as red text over a red background:
`npx tfx-cli extension create --manifests does-not-exist.json`
(This is a spin off of https://github.com/solid-design-system/solid/issues/1131)
## User Story
As a maintainer of the Solid Design System, I would like to have a more scalable and robust infrastructu…
### Description
If you apply a gradient background to Button blocks in Global Styles → Blocks → Button (or theme.json), users cannot override this gradient background with a solid background color at…
Love this new feature for developers! Requesting support for Solid.js or guidance on how to contribute to creating support for Solid.js.
Solid documentation:
### Description
I'm trying to generate svg from the graph given below
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%%
flowchart TB;
A["glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agon…