I have a directory of Avro files in S3 that do not have .avro extensions. I'm trying in Spark 2.0 to read from that directory, but it doesn't seem to be reading in the configuration changes. Note th…
Hi Edgar + The sparklyr team!
## Issue Overview
I've been following through [this post](https://posit.co/blog/reporting-on-nyc-taxi-data-with-rstudio-and-databricks/) and [the docs here](https:/…
I have an interesting issue running sparklyr::unnest() inside of Databricks. The first time I use the function after a cluster restart, the function works perfectly. However, if I either restart m…
I'm seeing this error pop up inside of RStudio when attempting to call `lobstr::obj_size()`. I'm working on attempting to make a reprex. Just wanted to see if this is a known issue that anyone else ha…
OS - RHEL 7.3
R version 3.4.1
I'm trying to use spark-bigquery 0.2.1 with a locally running Spark 2.2.0.
When trying to run through the spark-shell via `spark-shell --packages com.spotify:spark-bigquery_2.11:0.2.1` I run into t…
I am trying to follow the instructions under https://spark.rstudio.com/graphframes/ for running `graphframes` with spark version `2.1.0`.
However, I am facing a similar issue as has been descr…
I'm using: R version 4.1.1, sparklyr version ‘1.7.2’, macOS Catalina.
I'm connected to my databricks cluster with databricks-connect 9.1. and trying to read an avro file using the following …
I need to understand if it is possible to pass a list of words in a str_detect with sparklyr.
I did it with R like this :