you shared a lor of data on kaggle
but only can you share how you calculate technical indicators
Stock Market Data - Nifty 100 stocks (5 min) data
given link is broken
For mo…
API docs: https://finnhub.io/docs/api
### Web socket
- [ ] Trades
- [ ] News (Premium)
### Stock Fundamentals
- [x] Symbol Lookup
- [ ] Stock Symbols
- [ ] Company Profile (Premium)
- [x] …
which the sort of type the data of the stock market ,and can you share it to my email for reference? my email is songjiayu1998@163.com ,thank you very much
Stock price predictor is a machine learning system that learns about the current performance of a company and based on this, predicts future stock prices. To begin working with stock market data, you …
The date for stock API data can only be shown for the previous closed market day. Presents issues with calculation correct last workday at the beginning of the week if the time is after 12 am and befo…
I got this error when I run
`python3 market_pg.py ./kospi_10.csv pg.h5`
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "market_pg.py", line 147, in
env = MarketEnv(dir_path = "./data/", t…
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나름대로 해결해보려고 시도했는데 잘 안 돼서 문의드리게 되었습니다.
인베스팅닷컴 홈페이지가 많이 변경돼서 기존 11.2 티커 수집하기 코드와 많은 부분이 다른 것을 확인했습니다.
국가명 가져오는 부분부터 다른 것을 확인했는데 혹시 전 종목 크롤링 코드를 어떻게 수정해야 할 지 여쭙고 싶…
# Issue
Initializing StockDataStream with parameter ```raw_data=True``` creates a websocket that returns timestamp as 'Timestamp', instead of the RAW string with the datetime.
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My name is Luis, I'm a big-data machine-learning developer, I'm a fan of your work, and I usually check your updates.
I was afraid that my savings would be eaten by inflation. I have created a powe…
My name is Luis, I'm a big-data machine-learning developer, I'm a fan of your work, and I usually check your updates.
I was afraid that my savings would be eaten by inflation. I have created a powe…