I think that this is a Mercure issue, but please correct me if I'm wrong…
We have just deployed an API-Platform based project to a Docker Swarm and it's working nicely, however when we attempt to u…
When create a container, the namespaced kernel parameters such as `/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time` are initialized to the kernel default values. Using `--sysctl` option of `docker run`, they ca…
Using `docker service ps` shows the wrong CURRENT STATE after changing the leader. Instead going on the node itself and using `docker ps` shows the correct STATUS. Here is an ex…
In docker swarm mode, binding a port to results with the port being open on also. This could be a **severe security issue** and should be explained in the document…
Currently, our EC2 instances are publicly available.
1. Create Private Subnets: Move our Docker Swarm nodes to private subnets. Private subnets don't have a route to the internet by default and the…
Nous voulons pousser certaines données dans PostGre pour des objectifs de performances et d'accessibilité des données.
Voici une liste non exhaustive des tables à créer :
1. Eco2mix, données ra…
A monitoring process can be left running on the swarm that watches for job termination and then decides whether to relaunch the job. This should be straightforward once we have switched from polling t…
When you create a service with a published port, this port is assigned to all host IPs ( You cannot create a new service on the same port because this port is already in use…
### Description
`docker swarm leave` leaves services in a weird state: After a node has left the swarm many services are left showing strange replica counts such as "5/3". This goes away only when th…