**Describe the bug**
first of all, I love the library and **thank you** for open sourcing and maintaining it.
I am optimizing a forecasting model with Optuna and the individual trials fin…
I have roughly the following setup
I have an ESP32 TTGO with ST7789_DRIVER
`CGRAM_OFFSET` is defined
my code is:
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();
TFT_eFEX tft_x = TFT_eFEX(&tft);
The text is offset from the side of the screen when setRotation is set to 3, the background fills the full screen. I tried tft.setAddrWindow to update the window size.
#include "pins.h"
Hi, I am running through your Getting Started example and I get a segfault in the luz::lr_finder() step. I have verified that torch and luz work successfully for non-tft models, so I think this is an …
For everyone struggling with running and reproducing results of the TFT paper I leave this information here on how to reproduce the favorita benchmark with TFT:
1. Get Kaggle account
- Phone v…
TFT Monitor Problem, after changing line 21 (#define ROTATION_SETUP 3) at the TFTgui.h the rotation is ok but the touch points are not anymore calibrate.
Is there a possibility to recalibrate? and ho…
### TFT Version
_No response_
### Firmware Version
_No response_
### Blueprint Version
_No response_
### Panel Model
### What is the bug?
during compile I have error:
Microsoft Windows [V…
안녕하세요! 제가 보드랑 TFT LCD 연결한 후에 전원을 연결하였는데 부팅이 되지 않습니다. LCD 화면은 흰 창으로 뜨는 상황입니다. 어느 부분에서 잘못된 건가요?
lcd에 버튼 3개를 #87 #104 #102 순으로 연결시키라고 지시되어 있는데 지시한대로 했지만
lcd에 있는 버튼이 제대로 입력 되지 않는 것 같습니다.
그리고 버튼중 #102에 해당하는 버튼이 떼어져 있어 버튼이 두개 밖에 없는데 어떻게 하면 되겠습니까?
빵판에 버튼 3개를 더 만들어서 하면 될까요?
Hi @PowerBroker2 ! Thanks a lot for the library !
I have the same ERROR: ELM_TIMEOUT .
Value received for a while and then error happens.
Code below
// ga9a01 esp32 2424s012