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Text column 데이터에 대해서 rule 셋을 찾기.
각 rule을 제시할 때에는 합당한 근거와 함께 제시.
* 자동 룰 찾기 알고리즘 keyword: Associate Rule Mining, FP-growth 알고리즘, Apriori 알고리즘
* 간략한 설명은 다음 링크에 https://lucy-the-marketer.kr/ko/grow…
Jurafsky, Daniel and James H. Martin. 2015. Speech and Language Processing. Chapter 9 ([“Sequence Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks"](https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/9.pdf)”).
I have tried to train CGNet on SenseCrowd dataset for several times, but the WRAE of my best result is 14.79%.
May I ask for more details for your training options?
Additionally, I wonder…
Tình hình chúng ta còn một tuần nữan, sẽ có hai trường hợp xảy ra:
1. Báo cáo riêng lẻ tức là mỗi người chúng ta làm gì thì báo cáo đó,
2. Báo cáo chung cần hoàn thành sớm để merge code lại
Phần báo…
(fairseq) dilip@dilip-Komplett-PC:/media/dilip/LaCie/Nitin/vakyansh-wav2vec2-experimentation/scripts/finetuning$ bash start_finetuning.sh
** Directory to code is: /media/dilip/LaCie/Nitin/vakyansh-wa…
I find that `matmul(X, Y)` is ~4X slower when either X or Y needs to be transposed.
So I have a matmul kernel that is similar to the one in triton tutorial [here](https://triton-lang.org/main/getti…
I want to express my gratitude to the authors for sharing such outstanding work. @zoomin-lee @nautilus-a I'd like to inquire about the sampling strategy used for decoding when training tri-plane A…
- https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14135
# Affiliations
- Tri Dao, N/A
- Daniel Y. Fu, N/A
- Stefano Ermon, N/A
- Atri Rudra, N/A
- Christopher Ré, N/A
# Abstract
- Transformers are slow a…
Hi all,
When running hmmratac for one of my samples, using --cutoff-analysis-only, I get this message:
"ValueError: adjust --means and --stddev options and re-run command."
I'm not sure if th…