I'm trying to make a function that automatically grabs the input data for advent of code problems (Because why not) and unfortunately my raw HTTP requests are not going through. After a lot of eye-pre…
I had a bit of a frustrating experience on the train yesterday trying to use uiua with a patchy internet connection (it would hang for unpredictable amounts of time depending on whether I had mobile s…
Really enjoying the lang, feels like array programming made easier to follow.
I was hacking away at AoC 2019 day 3, struggling quite a bit at getting it working when I got a crash (believe…
* this may help in some cases where the `fork` fails
* also, this may provide a better alternate to the `over over` phrase which copies last 2 values on stack
Examples: coming soon
Using the Matrix exponentiation Uiuism on Chrome on Windows 10, both up-to-date, ([this](https://uiua.org/pad?src=O-KItuKNpSjiiqAoLyvDlyniipnijYksKeKItuKKmeKItuKKnj0u4oeh4qyaMeKKouKWsy4gWzFfMiAzXzRdID…
find ⌕ "ab" "abracadabra" from the examples evaluates to vector [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0] - △ "abracadabra" is [11], △ [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0] is [10].
Is this wanted behavior?
If not, is it possible…
`cargo` consumes all memory and stalls on `cargo build` due to ass hattery.
* i am not saying to include this feature,
* but i often wonder what would be the pros and cons of rotate stack?
* note: it's very limited in scope, and should not be confused with restack
* but y…
The examples for the `&i` and `use` functions both show how to import functions from another file that puts these functions onto the stack:
&i "example.ua"
double ← use "double" .
square ← u…
Currently the order is `power x base` but I suggest `power base x` is more coherent and provably be renamed to `exponent`.
The inverse, `logarithm`, has already this order. Power or exponent and lo…