It could solve most of feature-requesting problems. Coz there are lots of scripts inside [Tampermonkey Script Base](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts)
Stylus (版本 1.5.47) 安装哔哩哔哩样式,评论文字呈黑色,而 Stylus (beta) 则正常
测试:Microsoft Edge,Google Chrome
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Twitter has now auto flag entire accounts of artists it thinks it posting NSFW and now every picture is censored "sensitive" on their account. Is there a way to disable this? Thank you in advanced.
read "Category" as "Domain name without TLD"
You specified Category: `userstyles.world`
Now your BBC styles are connected to userstyles.world domain,
e.g. you can find them in inline search i…
Example code below. Tested on Firefox and Chrome.
Drag link to bookmarks: Apply SansBullshitSans
I've set the url to `http://sansbullshitsans.com/font/SansBullshitSans.ttf`, but that wont w…
@ank-everstake @yevhenii-molodyk @Messer4 FYI
_Originally posted by @legobeat in https://github.com/everstake/wallet-sdk/issues/11#issuecomment-2084377517_
Hi, I want to mirror this URL https://gitlab.com/vitaly-zdanevich/evernote-css-black/-/raw/main/main.css so on my `git push` it will update the GitLab and userstyles.world