Hi i just spent 6 hours trying to work out why Inertia was not working, and I luckily found a youtube video that says:
@viteReactRefresh and converting app.js to app.jsx. I checked the docs but the…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [x] I have checked for existing issues https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/issues
- [x] I have reviewed the documentation https://docs.sentry.io/…
### Describe the bug
trying to create vue projects with quasar framework in all of them gives me the following error
### Link to the Bolt URL that caused the error
# Frontend
- Stackblitz: https://vite.new/react (`npm create vite@latest my-vue-app -- --template react`)
- Carbon: https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon/tree/main/examples/vite
- custom…
### 开发环境:
"dependencies": {
"@arco-design/web-vue": "^2.43.2",
"@icon-park/vue-next": "^1.4.2",
"axios": "^1.3.4",
"vue": "^3.2.47",
### Current Behavior
I have a monorepo that supports angular and react components.The relationship is as follows:
We have released two packages, 'uisdk-ng' and 'uisdk-rc'. 'uisdk-ng' depends on 'data…
### Describe the bug
when using ejs tags (like `html: {cspNonce: ''},` or `experimental: { renderBuiltUrl(filename) {return `/${filename}`;}})`) , or URLS that contains multiple query strings par…
开发环境:mac-14.6 (黑苹果), node-20.16.0
https://juejin.cn/post/7360899424107970586 (代码:https://github.com/dongyuanwai/electron-desktop-tool )
# Bug report
## Packages affected
- [ ] sandpack-client
- [x] sandpack-react
## Description of the problem
The default `vite-react` sandpack setup doesn't work in iOS safari
### Describe the bug
DataTable -> Column -> -> InputText -> "space" KeyButton don't work
in this example. ama press the key button space probably 50 times