It would be nice to include a list of organisations that use Cytoscape.js in the docs.
Please include:
- Organisation name
- Link to organisation site
Is there any interest in me adding datasource plugins to some newer modern DB structures?
Support for a REST API, elasticsearch, or InfluxDB?
I have wrote a number of datasource plugins for va…
2024/06/24 17:37:21 [error] 19281#19281: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function raise_message_javascript() in /opt/nginx/cacti/plugins/we…
Venant de chez Free, avec une delta, je suis nouveau dans le monde d'Orange, de la Fibre, le tout sur une LB5.
Je n'arrive pas à trouver des informations sur une activité de type numérique, du réseau…
## Why
## What
- 気温
- 天気(0:晴れ、1:雨、2:雨)など
- 降水確率
Plugins should be automatically disabled if the version is no longer available or the number is different to that listed. This will prevent issues where the upgrade hasn't been performed because no o…
Write a skript to fetch the WeatherMap from OSM, could be implemented same way WeatherGetter is. Connet to @Irgendj0 .
Add CurrentWeatherMap class wich stores it. The default case, when the icon is n…
On my 3 programs, two have been launched this morning instead not...
Raining Sensor is true since yesterday afternoon.
My version : last update 2024.09.06
Next cycle is yet to Rain, so OK w…
Can fetch weather of any location in the world using WeatherMap api
Dashboard variable `countries`
select 'China' as __text, '104.1954,35.8617' as __value union
select 'Ethiopia', '40.4897,9.1450' union
select 'Sardina', '9.283447, 40.078072'