I created shapefiles from the existing surrogate processing that contain just the columns needed and have the geometries already converted to the EPA's grid projection. These are in /proj/ie/proj/SA/p…
First observed in the conda tests, which are pulling in GEOS 3.13 which [added support for curve geometry types](https://github.com/libgeos/geos/blob/main/NEWS.md#changes-in-3130). I can reproduce th…
In my specific case when two polygons clearly intersect as one is contained in the other, the call to `intersection` method results in incorrect result of multipoint geometry. The issue can be fixed b…
We set up a node use docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/xrptipbot/rippled/
But it reports ledger gap frequently, maybe two or three days a time, or once per month.
It seem to have relatio…
In API we have various acronyms that are sometimes used in upper case, sometimes in lower case. I do not have a strong preference which one is the right one, but consistency would be great.
Some term…
I was curious if there are there plans to support geometry creation from the FGF format? I noticed there is support for WKBs and others, but not FGF.
Thank you!
Bounding box coordinates in solr: but can it do a shape?
[Schema.org](http://schema.org/) keywords: spatialCoverage, spatial
Also Gazeteer spatial information (ARMAP, SCAR, XXX?)
The code should be changed to like this:
-(id)initWithWKB:(const unsigned char *) wkb size:(size_t)wkb_size {
self = [self init];
if (self)
GEOSContextHandle_t handle = (GEOS…
Testing out 0.5.0
from pyogrio.raw import read_arrow
metadata, table = read_arrow('nationalpark.geojson')
# {'crs': 'EPSG:4326',
# 'encoding': 'UTF-8',
# 'fields': array(['OB…
### What feature or improvement would you like to see?
Is GeoArrow Supported?