Now more and more requests need to use the Insight objects,
it means someone need to have that wrapper to easier works with cmdb.
Hey josh,
I wanted to know what could be the best way forward to Firebase Api Wrapper and can we work together on this project?
I have covered a reasonable chunk of REST calls here: https://gith…
I have seen a Swig file for the simple API, but there isn't a JNI wrapper for
the Advanced API. It would be very helpful to include this especially for folks
who want to integrate the library in…
I've been working on an Objective-C Voat API wrapper. It's almost completely fully implemented, I just need to go through and fix some things (and clean up) but it has a very solid foundation. If Voat…
import CallSteamAPI from "swalib/src/SteamWebAPILibrary";
const steamAPi=new CallSteamAPI({
steamKey: process.env.steamKey
Az get_hullinfo funkciónak át kell adni nevet vagy hull_id-t és opcionálisan verziószámot.
Kell egy buta html template form, esetleg validációkkal, illetve az api/hullinfo végponton jsonba kell vissz…
Complete wrapper for public REST API and fix any current issues like support for large JSON payloads.
Update for Deno-2.0,
In the /deno-webui/src/utils.ts **runCommand** function, line# 30:
Deno.run is deprecated and Deno recommends using Deno.Command instead.
Note: This symbol is soft-removed a…
Community Toolkit provides SettingsControls to provide a modern-looking settings cards like those used in Windows 11 Settings. We should consider adding that, which would help i.e. allow modernization…
量化报错ValueError: Unsupport file -0.886949! 不做量化可以完成编译。请问下是什么原因引起的呢?
![Screenshot 2024-10-10 162919](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/0bc60026-935d-446c-99bf-6b4891c20724)