Сейчас мы пишем код в main и синкаем его в 23-3
YDB подготовило новую ветку 24-1.
1. Синхронизировать код YDB из их репозитория с ветки 24-1 в наш main
2. Добиться того, что бы сборка и…
FreeBSD is a widely used server OS, a port for [clickhouse](https://www.freshports.org/databases/clickhouse/) exists, it would be great to also have a port for ydb to facilitate adoption.
* https://nebius.testmo.net/automation/runs/results/32980?group_by=automation_run_tests:status_id&group_id=3&test_id=737149651
* https://nebius.testmo.net/automation/runs/results/32980?group_by=autom…
R2DBC (Reactive Relational Database Connectivity) is a reactive API specification for SQL databases. It provides a non-blocking and reactive way to interact with relational databases.
* https://nebius.testmo.net/automation/runs/results/30574?group_by=automation_run_tests:status_id&group_id=3&test_id=688774788
* https://nebius.testmo.net/automation/runs/results/31111?group_by=automation_run_tests:status_id&group_id=3&test_id=699651303
* https://nebius.testmo.net/automation/runs/results/31111?group_by=autom…
After the devices have been taken for maintenance, their statuses in DR change to "error" (due to registration of the agent without them).
Statuses of the devices should be restore to "online" after …
create TABLE t1_with_uuid (
id uuid,
value utf8,
data Bytes,
PRIMARY key (value)
Error: Scheme operations cannot be executed inside transaction
* https://nebius.testmo.net/automation/runs/results/31114?group_by=automation_run_tests:status_id&group_id=3&test_id=699693751