When Dragging a Block on the Design Panel by its TextBox, a visual bug will occur with a duplicate Block. This bug persists until the block is returned to the toolbox.
I love the child-window feature, but I can't get initial-validation-state-feedback to work.... I think it is a bug, or maybe I need advice on the usage of a property or feature?
I h…
_Merges add-adorner-overlay -> master_
This will make it much easier to use generic adorners.
Watermark does not bind transparency with TextBox or PasswordBox
### Steps to reproduce
1. Open the Orc.Controls.Example.NET project
2. Add `orccontrols:PinnableToolTipService.Placement="Top"` to the element in `PinnableToolTipView.xaml`
3. Run the example, h…
I believe that the following PR created adorners for "option questions" (checkbox, radiobutton, etc...)
# Description
It would be incredibly useful to be able to select all the notes on a tablature with a simple `$('.alphaTab-note')`, e.g. to add some event listener. Even better, every note could …
### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or ask a question?
### What is the current behavior?
Unable to set a custom name to a question.
### What is the expected behavior?
When adding a business rule/field _warning_ to a ViewModel, it is not displayed in any way in the wizard, _if there are no business rule/field errors_. As an example, a field _error_ would mark the fi…
I create a form with two steps and when i back to prev step the second step validation messages appear on first step.
![Inputs Validation Message Issue](https://i.imgur.com/pAK94Mf.gif)
This is…