A specific of https://github.com/mysociety/whatdotheyknow-theme/issues/791.
95% of our users won't necessarily read the papers, but it shows that we're about more than just running a service.
Error occurs when Pro user tries to access a new request deeplink with slug of a defunct authority, i.e. campaign deeplink.
Example of a defunct body on IPZ:
Public bodies are sometimes confused when email addresses they include in responses get redacted prior to the response being made available to the requester or published.
This causes a problem:
Since introducing the new volunteer contact form (https://github.com/mysociety/whatdotheyknow-theme/issues/1179) it has been noted that it generates a lot more spam that the general contact form
Current fields:
>Date sent WDTK
>From (email address)
>Request (Link if there is one))
>Brief summary requet (do not add PII)
>Acknowledged by WDTK(Date)
>Court Order required
>Court Order …
Those considering using the service for a project might want some assurance the service is going to continue to remain active for the foreseeable future.
A clear statement in the help pages on thi…
Similar to Defunct body is listed in batch request authorities list selection #6039, but for this instance, I'm seeing defunct bodies being listed on https://imamopravoznati.org/select_authority using…
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_af--_0t20WDH8oPIKu1r3lt6VvYyK1g/view?usp=sharing (link restricted to Code for Croatia users)
This is a place to leave any suggestions that you have for things you'd like us to discuss at the next meeting.
I'll look to circulate the draft agenda on 2023-01-26 and the final version at midda…
A specific of https://github.com/mysociety/whatdotheyknow-theme/issues/791.
95% of our users won't necessarily watch the talks, but it shows that we're about more than just running a service.