Migrated from [GRADLE-3259](https://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-3259) which had 19 votes
Compile avoidance was [introduced in Gradle 3.4](https://docs.gradle.org/3.4/release-notes.html#compile-…
I would like to support custom JDK versions (e.g. JDK11) using `VanillaJavaBuilder`, using `default_java_toolchain` and leaving the source/target/bootclasspath unset.
To make it work I have to pass…
grpc-java runs tests on GAE Java 7 (which is [deprecated and will be shut down in January 2019](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/deprecations/java7)). When upgrading to 0.42 compilation fails b…
Single annotation processors can have multiple processor classes.
for eg: AutoValue has these
Currently it has a hard dependency on autovalue, but this makes the android gradle plugin complain about annotation processors found if you try to use
Firebase Cloud Firestore is on track to replace Firebase Real Time Database. It'd be nice if this AutoValue extension could support both.
An example incompatabililty: The code that this generates…
Remove all implemention of Parcelable and add Parceler Library instead.
Please answer these questions before submitting a bug report.
### What version of OpenCensus are you using?
This is against master ca3e76f3
### What JVM are you using (`java -version`)?
Lombok requires own Eclipse plugins to work correctly. The benefit of using
https://projectlombok.org/api/lombok/extern/slf4j/Slf4j.html is minimal - but the effect are puzzling errors in Eclipse. The…
I have a class with two fields, of which exactly one holds a non-null value. I would prefer to not mark them as @Nullable, as that will create a mild annoyance in a context where is it known which of …