请问ios ijkplayer 有seek方法吗?
- (void)seekToTime:(CMTime)time;
- (void)seekToTime:(CMTime)time toleranceBefore:(CMTime)toleranceBefore toleranceAfter:(CMTime)toleranceAfter;
ghost updated
8 years ago
proxyServer 在urlSession.dataTask 中是否可以把流数据导入 player 进行播放
Mostly relating to anything involving AVPlayer and AppKit. I don't want to sacrifice my prod Mac for Ventura so uh...
* Share popover in menu (see #25)
* Use the new form insets, maybe with SwiftU…
I am trying to use Swifter as an embedded http server in my tvOS application to host an m3u8 playlist. I am not sure how to achieve that.
What I am trying to achieve is to pass my AVPlayer a url…
First thanks for great player .
I'd like to use [iOS Animated Waveform Library](https://github.com/gabriel-jones/iOS-Animated-Waveform-in-Swift) with jukebox.
It is initialized with avaudio…
已在配置中 加入
然后 启动的时候, 会提示 输入 验证码. 然后 不会自动答题.
这个版本的编译 Ubuntu 12.04 32位
I can play streaming video without drm, but I can’t play drm. I am using avplayer and it prompts that drminfo permission is required. Can I bypass this permission? If so, what should I do? I want to a…
环境:Xcode 11.3.1 iPhone XR 13.3
在cell中切换播放视频: 切换视频方式为 销毁avplayer,销毁avplayerLayer,再重新创建.
原因: https://www.cnblogs.com/sundaysgarden/articles/9080511.html
private func prepareToPlay(_…
Request: Can you show some examples of how one could link this to a streaming audio using avplayer? I believe this has to be done using MTAudioProcessingTap.
Any leads would be a great help.
The blog post referenced in the README is broken -- has it moved? still available anywhere? Thanks!