### Describe the bug
The version of Laravel is set in `composer.json` at whatever it was when a project was pushed to the repo. If the user changes the laravel version in `starter.ini` and brea…
gcc expression.oto partition.oto errors.oto bigint.oto division.oto baseconv.oto karatsuba.oto modmult.oto sqroot.oto \
rootseq.oto quintics.oto bigrational.oto output.oto polynomial.oto polfact.oto …
wasmi uses num_rational::BigRational for float conversion since 7fe6ef4e355faac97c66a691ea96e99eccb73e22
BigRational needs the bigint or bigint-std but the no_std version does not work at the moment…
The idiomatic Crystal way of converting a value to a `String` is to append it to an `IO`. The most notable it `Object#to_s(io : IO)` which writes a string representation to the `IO`. When an actual `S…
Coming over from other packages, I've got to say this is definitely what I needed for this use case which deals with multiple currencies and down-to-the-last-cent precision work needed. However…
Is there any way to convert Ratio (BigRational) to f32/f64?
It's a bit difficult to implement.
// 1.0e+310 > f64::MAX
let mut a = BigInt::from(1);
for _ in 0..310 {
a *= 10;
let …
When using the hotlinkable option:
Put following line on html document
Tested as well: http://peterolson.github.io/BigRational.js/BigInt_BigRat.min.js
console returns: SyntaxError:…
Upon encountering it in my code, I noticed that since BigInt does not implement Pow, the Ratio::pow method does not exist for the type BigRational, and so as far as I can tell there's no library metho…
I am building an app with Lucky and where I have a model `Product` with a column `price_cents : Int32?` and method `#price : Money`:
def price : Money
Money.new(price_cents, "EUR")
Invalid numbers comparison if one of them is a result of math operations
## input.scss
$n: (1 + (11 / 1000)) * 1000;
@debug unquote("$n = #{ $n }");
@debug unquote("$n == 1011 : "…