Any docs about multiple symbols for kindle stream?
I try :
let kline: String = format!("{}", "ethbtc@kline_1m bnbbtc@kline_1m");
without success
With nodejs I use an ar…
- **Binance Node Api Version:** _0.13.0_
We currently doing config to the bot…
### i try the binance test network create marker order using below code. but it return `401` status code error
**My binance coption code below**
The bot does what the other versions of yasinkuyu/binance-trader does, and stalls on this:
Express server listening on port 3001
Trading Symbol: XVGBTC
Buy Quantity: 205.00000000
I have installed the package and when i build the app i get this error
How to get new deposit address ?
Have I written custom code (as opposed to using zenbot vanilla): Yes, a custom strategy, but see bellow
OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): Ubuntu 20.04, Fresh install …
Hello, i have a problem, this error:
"(node:14592) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Loading extension at C:\Triangular\Binance-TradingBot-master\node_modules\devtron failed with: The 'manifes…
**Please describe the bug**
Per Nokogiri's documentation, the [Node#inner_text](https://nokogiri.org/rdoc/Nokogiri/XML/Node.html#inner_text-instance_method) method (aliased as `text` and `content` …