I successfully was able to recreate the three .trig files and loading them into Blazegraph. However, when executing the example SPARQL query
PREFIX food:
PREFIX ingredient:
I tried out with an in-memory blazegraph configuration (modifying the example config and with a subset of dbpedia in nt), but something went wrong and I get this error after running:
`java -server -X…
Need to add a Makefile to automate build tasks, e.g.:
- Download ontologies
- Load ontologies into SciGraph
- Download PubMed XML
- Run Scala app to generate triples
- Load Blazegraph
I'm a bit confused about release numbers, it seems that 2.2 is older than 1.6
What release do you suggest I have to use?
Do you suggest I recompile the master branch instead?
What releas…
ecow updated
4 months ago
Not clear how much to invest if we want to instead switch to loading from blazegraph, or reuse monarch solr-loader.
- test suite
- [ ] investigate best strategy for testing Flexdocs, cc @kltm…
`SPARQL::Client::Repository#query_pattern` runs afoul of a [restriction in SPARQL](https://github.com/ruby-rdf/sparql-client/blob/develop/lib/sparql/client/repository.rb#L247) about the allowed blank …
I have followed the Docker instructions to install ResearchSpace on Ubuntu 22.04. it all seems to have worked well (though I did have to add a step of adding my user to the docker group).
We are evaluating with Carlos and Sabrina the retrieval of entities and found out that because it only gives back 500 results, it is important to add a way of filtering in the qurey box per …
##### Project link
##### Project description
As part of the discussion from the UNC GO meeting, we decided to go ahead with a joint GO/GOA pipeline…
On our Blazegraph instances (version 2.1.2) we investigated usage of features regarding
ordered values in solution sets. It is use case described within,