## Summary
We need to handle the data backfilling as a common operational need. Right now the data backfilling
mechanism is not implemented, so we cannot fill the missing data with the correctness…
**Updated Description**:
This issue was created because on Friday Apr 22, 2024, there was one hour's service down time caused by IT incident in Caltrans. Specifically, the machine `svgcmdl01`, wh…
This is an alert with regarding to the yesterday service healthiness. Certain action needs to be taken. The owner of the service is Pingping Xiu and supervisor Zhenyu Zhu, in Traffic Operations @ Calt…
Anne would like us, DSE, to host a training for the operations side. We can choose whatever format we'd like, currently we do our GitHub training async. She's targeting last week of October. Need appr…
New monitoring / alerting has been in place to reduce the down time within 24 hours (or facing escalations).
Related issues https://github.com/cagov/caldata-mdsa-caltrans-pems/issues/151.
Over in the `get_snowflake_refresh_warehouse()`, I added parameters for "big" and "small" to customize what warehouse sizes to use when running incremental models incrementally or when running them wi…
There is a bug identified by the newly setup dashboard:
D3 behaves different …
Implement Test number 7 from the [PeMS User Guide](https://pems.dot.ca.gov/Papers/PeMS_Intro_User_Guide_v6.pdf):
**Data sources**: 30 second raw data, VDS metadata (controller, station, detecto…