At my workplace we work on government programs, and the government has not moved past Centos 6 yet. As a result I'm having numerous issues installing an using RobotFramework-Ride on these systems.
Obecnie edytor iD obok użytecznych znaczników "brand", "brand:wikidata"; niestety dodaje również znacznik "brand:wikipedia", zwykle w obraźliwym imperialistycznym języku angielskim. Ręczne usuwan…
Author Name: **marisn -** (marisn -)
Original Redmine Issue: [2007](https://issues.qgis.org/issues/2007)
Redmine category:vectors
Assignee: nobody -
Steps to reproduce:
* Open Shapefile;
* Open …
Tested build: http://fgpv.cloudapp.net/demo/v2.3.0-build-04/dev/samples/index-fgp-en.html?keys=JOSM,EcoAction,CESI_Other,NPRI_CO,Railways,ZoomScale
Incorrect statement in "Help" content in Layers pa…
Češi jsou vášnivý turisté, určitě by se hodila mapa kde budou zakreslené KCT trasy. Zvyraznene rozcestniky, vrstevnice ( hillshading ), planovani tras ( openroute service, graphhoper)
Tested build: http://fgpv.cloudapp.net/demo/v2.2.0-daily13/dev/samples/index-fgp-en.html?keys=JOSM,EcoAction,CESI_Other,NPRI_CO,Railways,on_crop,Airports,Barley
Test Data : EcoAction Layer
Tested with build:v3.0.0-b1
I have noticed an issue while I try to import scale dependency layer, I was not able to view map points. Map point do not update automatically for both Mercator and lamb…
mpath updated
5 years ago
Tested build: http://fgpv.cloudapp.net/demo/v1.4.0-8/prod/samples/index-fgp-en.html?keys=JOSM,EcoAction,CESI_Other,NPRI_CO,Railways,mb_colour,Airports,Barley,ZoomScale
User added scale dependency lay…
Tested Build :http://fgpv.cloudapp.net/demo/v1.4.0-rc2/samples/index-fgp-en.html?keys=JOSM,EcoAction,CESI_Other,NPRI_CO,Railways,mb_colour,Airports,Barley,ZoomScale
"ZoomScale" layer points are displ…
Tested with build:v3.0.0-b1
When I try to click on reload after setting up refresh interval, I noticed below issues:
1. Data table automatically populate. Not sure if it is expected. (Happening …
mpath updated
5 years ago