Ich habe zusätzlich zu stockfish noch rodentIII (ermöglicht vielfältige Charakterspieler) installiert und würde auch lc0 noch später einfügen wollen. Wie kann ich das Programm dazu bringen mit einer a…
is Eccat the successor of your Kittycat engine ?
i was able to compile both and they run fine in CuteChess !
[ i'm on Xubuntu 22.04 ]
Currently we don't return anything on successful `setparam` set, and return `error` non-standart response in error.
It would be more visible in GUI if we used `info string ` in both cases.
[ this is not real Issue, it just gives some info and poses questions about Rust chess programming ]
i just found Liberty-Chess, see https://github.com/Mathmagician8191/Liberty-Chess , a compl…
Can not load Leela version 8 into Fritz 16 GUI
FWCC1 updated
6 years ago
Please add an option to read the ini file chess engine.
I what to make any PromotionPieceType a queen
Show last move (easier than to look/scroll history, sometimes also history is cleared...). Usually this is implemented by highlighting (border) cell holding piece that did last move (on demand action)…
Sometimes you just wanna be some specific rank and don't want to play as 3000 lvl player
It should intentionally loose some games
i successfully compiled your Union engine on Linux (bmi2) and it runs fine in CuteChess and SCID .. i let it play some games against other (simple) engines and i guess its rating is just below 2000.