@codepath, @codepathreview
Prework is complete. Cc. @codepathreview and @codepath
Please review
Path : https://github.com/bobbymangattoor/nodejstraining/tree/master/Assignment1
### 🐛 Describe the bug
FAILED: caffe2/CMakeFiles/torch_hip.dir/__/aten/src/ATen/native/hip/torch_hip_generated_CumprodKernel.hip.o /home/hmsjwzb/work/pytorch/build/caffe2/CMakeFiles/torch_hip.dir/__/…
### Proposal Details
This proposal aims at making a user-implementable version of [`net.Buffers`](https://pkg.go.dev/net#Buffers).
Add a new interface to `io` and implement it on `net.*` which imp…
chuwy updated
4 years ago
My assignment is completed. /cc @codepath @codepathreview
We want to release what we have at the beginning of December with a bang, and what that means is that we want everything that we _do_ have to be "swipe to unlock". As it currently stands, we feel that…
My assignment is done @codepathreview and @codepath
I've just been reading through:
Pretty hard to grasp from an "outsider". I'd suggest visualising the architecture, with some kind of graph to show wh…
- [ ] setup ddl
- [ ] migrate current entity_workflow_definition' to 'workflow_definition' (adding external id and owner, status etc...)
- [ ] introduce 'workflow_state' table and populate with …