Would it be possible to pass arguments to the underlying Jinja2 environment? I would like to activate the `lstrip_blocks` setting in the Jinja2 environment for more convenient whitespace trimming arou…
The problem seems to be related to recent pep517/setuptools/packaging changes but is really worrig because it totally breaks packaging.
$ pip install -e . …
> [](https://github.com/Badbird-5907) **Authored by [Badbird-5907](https://github.com/Badbird-5907)**
_Feb 25, 2020_
_Closed Feb 25, 2020_
I ran pip install mcstatus it went correctly but running…
- transform devcontainer into a simple Dockerfile
- clearly tell the purpose of this, as illustrated by the emoji. it's just a nicety for 1-click to code in a full featured IDE, optionally even in a …
# Issue Type
- Bug report
# Molecule and Ansible details
❯ python3 --version && ansible --version && molecule --version
Python 3.9.9
ansible [core 2.12.1]
config file = None
I've just started using this and was confused by some errors the generated default files emit.
The first one was as edge case that I, unfortunately, cannot reproduce anymore right now. It wouldn't …
# Issue Type
- Bug report ?
# Molecule and Ansible details
ansible 2.10.12
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = ['/home/s/.ansible/plugi…