Thanks to a question by Tomi I discovered that there are aborted proofs in FiniteSequences.
This raises three issues:
1. Please, in the future immediately let everybody know if you find aborted or ad…
The question often arises as to whether Lean will have coinductive types. Nobody involved in the project is planning to implement them in the foreseeable future, but there is agreement that it would b…
I'm trying to install compcert 2.7.1 (opam package) on OS X and I get this:
gcc -m32 -c -DMODEL_sse2 -DABI_standard -DSYS_linux -o i64_dtos.o ia32/i64_dtos.S
ia32/i64_dtos.S:59:1: error: …
Could anyone help me with running an example application (maybe flooding) with netkat ?
What is the state of this repository? Is this project finished? What are the results? What has been verified? Is it just a formalization of the Semantics? Has this repository been abandoned three year…
I am trying to install it using following commands :
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ git clone https://github.com/frenetic-lang/netkat.git
Cloning into 'netkat'...
remote: Coun…
I'm trying to get an add-with-carry on `digits` that gives me both the resulting sum, modulo `upper_bound limb_widths`, and a boolean indicating whether or not there's a carry in the most significant …
Hey Guys,
I've enjoyed playing around with building proofs using funExt, all of which have normalized successfully. When I went to play around with univalence, however, I noticed that none of the pro…
_From [stefan.hetzl](https://code.google.com/u/stefan.hetzl/) on May 22, 2013 18:22:56_
In the long run, the hlk-implementations (including shlk) should be superseded by an LCF-style tactic-language …
While there are still a number of high-level design issues to sort out, I think we're approaching a kind of uncanny valley in the design repo where it's difficult to get more concrete without having a…