hf = hillfit.HillFit(x_data, y_data)`
hf.fitting(x_label = calib_par, y_label = col, title = 'Fitted Hill equation', sigfigs = 6,
log_x = False, print_r_sqr = True, view_figure = Tru…
I have used the Differential Evolution genetic algorithm that is in recent versions of scipy to provide initial parameter estimates for curve fitting of Raman spectroscopy data with excellent results.…
I have used the Differential Evolution genetic algorithm that is in recent versions of scipy to provide initial parameter estimates for curve fitting of Raman spectroscopy data with excellent results.…
first of all great program!
When fitting trajectories of shorter length (both simulated and actual measurements), however, I noticed a lot of negative diffusion coefficients and r² values…
I see from your GitHub projects that you are interested in Python optimization. The authors of scipy have added a genetic algorithm for initial parameter estimation in curve fitting, the module is nam…
While dealing with TDC2 gateway data, we found that no matter how we tune the parameter, the chisquare for PyCS fitting is about 1000 times larger than the number of data, which means on average the f…
After first fitting a model, fit every replicate using the model fit as initial guess. Look for replicate fits that are _significantly_ (?) far from the mean. Plot their curves to show that they are o…
When fitting a data set with only one label (all entries in y are equal), the following error is raised:
`UnboundLocalError: local variable 'objective' referenced before assignment`
On ESP32-S3 with an attenuation of 11dB, the readings saturate at about 1.5V. I have a correcttly working project for the same board using the IDF with C. In this project, the resolution is set to 12-…
One feature that may be of value is a method for extrapolating the finite-history estimates of active information, transfer entropy, etc... to their full infinite-history counterparts. This is a featu…