NVIM: NVIM v0.7.0-dev+1254-g6dc2c8293
denops: d01a89773b158255073cefa88f6527fb9f522e59
ddc: a2ee2f7e70fbd1a5e093e733e108183fc4cffafb
ddc-omni: 5bc143c192aeca2aefce5cc8b104b6dc55333190
When using…
Can you add the deno-powered completion plugin [ddc.vim](https://github.com/Shougo/ddc.vim)?
**Warning: I will close the bug issue without the minimal init.vim and the
reproduce ways.**
# Problems summary
ddc.vimのdependsに設定したpum.vim が読みこまれない様に設定にしたときddc.vimが読みこまれて欲しくないが、hook_sourceが発動してし…
## Information
**VIM version**
NVIM v0.6.1
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compiled by nixbld
Operating System: `NixOS`
## The problem
## Configuration
It appears that when selecting an autoimport item from pum selection menu, the appropriate imports are not added:
Using pum.vim:
skkeleton.vim は ddc.vim と連携して変換候補の入力途中でも候補を補完で表示することができます。
**Warning: I will close the issue without the minimal init.vim and the
reproduction instructions.**
# Problems summary
Cannot restore options when vim invoke `DDCCmdlineLeave`.
## Expected
Linter - nvim_lsp
Auto completion - ddc (ultisnip integrated)
Other - vim-go
# Problems summary
Error is shown in some situation with denops plugin
## Expected
No error
## Environment Information (Required!)
- dein.vim version(SHA1): latest
- OS: Ubuntu
- Vim/…
Snippets will not be expanded when using the latest pum.vim
set rtp^=$HOME/plugin/ddc-matcher_head
set rtp^=$HOME/plugin/ddc-sorter_rank
set rtp^=$HOME/plugin/denops.vim
set rtp^=$HOME/plu…