Could you consider to improve gRPC compression support by implementing below features?
1. __Client-side compression__
It seems setting compression algorithm at client-side is currently not suppor…
- [ ] [brotli](https://nodejs.org/api/zlib.html#class-zlibbrotlidecompress)
- [x] [bzip2](https://github.com/regular/unbzip2-stream)
- [x] unzip (not the [Node.js native](https://nodejs.org/api/zlib…
#### Name of the game:
#### Player platform:
#### Attach files (as a .zip archive or link them)
```zip -9vr -Z bzip2 game.zip gamefolder```
```7z a -tzip -mm=LZMA -mx9 g…
Currently, a kernel backup is uncompressed. Each backup takes as much space as the boot partition, though usually only up to ~30 MB of the partition is used. When one takes kernel backups often, this …
### Background and motivation
Right now, `ZipArchive` only supports opening entries compressed with `Stored`, `Deflate` and `Deflate64`. While there are open issues about adding support for more sp…
### Describe the bug
When enabled http compress(`1`) in server user settings on ClickHouse 23.8, JDBC will raise an error like this:
### Error log
> eclipse.buildId=unknown
> java.version=17…
- [ ] `client_compressed_unary`
- [ ] `server_compressed_unary`
- [ ] `client_compressed_streaming`
- [ ] `server_compressed_streaming`
hawkw updated
5 years ago
### Tool Name and Version
### Code Report
VTEST_PROGRAM="/builds/mangadex-pub/haproxy/deps/vtest/dist/vtest" make -C "src" -j "8" REGTESTS_TYPES=default,bug,devel reg…
### Your Feature Request
A way to mirror incoming requests to other backends minimizing the impact on the main traffic, all implemented natively in the load balancer.
### What are you trying to do?