In the current implementation, it seems the simplier version implemented - which only consider final features.
Are you planning to include the layer-wise / hidden feature ensemle method as well?
In the vlanid fields for the DNNs, the sheet says to leave blank if not in use. This caused an error when attempting to run the script. I had to place 0 in the fields.
In my experience decreasing the batch size has provided better accuracy with the data set that I have.
Is there a way to reduce batch size on plateau instead of increasing?
I have tried u…
Pose a question about one of the following articles:
“[Deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting sexual orientation from facial images](https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi…
First of all, congratulations for this work. It is very useful for the research community and it has potential for exploring.
I think I have detected a small bug, but significant in the c…
I am wondering is there any public bank customers (anonymized) transaction data?
After migration from .NET7 to .NET8 SqlException 0x80131904 started to appear randomly when connecting to Azure SQL databases
### The error happens in two flavors:
* Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.Sql…
Dear @zzy82518996 @hyoukjun @tushar-krishna ,
I have been revising the code of the file DSNetwork.cpp. Specifically, the part in which you try to create the Distribution network, and I think the tr…
Getting an error with the attached log in Inspect View.
Inspect version [5fc903f](https://github.com/UKGovernmentBEIS/inspect_ai/commit/5fc903f2ec4d69147ba28c71c74b3edd27d1dd9e)
Using this cmake config:
-D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv/opencv_contrib/modules -D BUIL…