The feed https://malc0de.com/bl/ZONES is protected by cloudflare and maltrail is not able to download the list because it needs to solve a CAPTCHA before downloading. I dont see how this can be fixed …
Unable to get the ticket creation part to work. The server is able to receive emails however any email being sent to notifier@domain doesn't create a ticket in the system.
None of the log files pres…
We need to get real TG data in ES and Kibana.
Proposed discussed strategy: We can run the existing migration for importing TG feeds for a start
and then also using that same code to generate sighting…
We got a feedback regarding RPZ format used in name-server. This would allow to create sinkhole, dns monitoring or security tools automatically from the DNS records (especially domain names attributes…
I have DNS services that cause "excessive no such domain (suspicious)" events. I would like to ignore them, so I added the comma-delimtied DNS's IP addresses to the USER_WHITELIST, and restarted senso…