I was thinking about including a new field in every of our data api responses called "auditTrail" or something like this. It would be an array of json objects that would at a minimum contain a timesta…
For some reason on my system `unshare -m` is not permitted as a regular user unless `--map-root-user` is also used. Given the general usefulness of `--map-root-user`, would you consider adding …
Explore the possibility of making R unnecessary by implementing a [Ramer–Douglas–Peucker](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer%E2%80%93Douglas%E2%80%93Peucker_algorithm) or [Visvalingam](http://bost.ock…
Hi Douglas
We are always getting this error and don't know how to overcome that. Could you please help.
Apex script unhandled exception by user/organization: 005b000000159po/00D5E0000008nQ1
Hi, nice work
I'd like to use tape as xin.
I tried: seq 10 | teip -- 'wc -l'
Which I though would have that effect but instead showed me the help. Is it…
Currently showing Hall County at 214 for 4/15 but [https://cdhd.ne.gov](https://cdhd.ne.gov) has the total at 278. Similarly for Douglas County the cases do not look to be updated with this latest num…
What would it take to build a benchmark comparison as described in [Niall Douglas' ACCU 2017 Talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVofgKH-uu4&feature=youtu.be&t=57m)?
Is there a way to pull these properties into the frontmatter? I could be quite handy.
BTW thank you for this plugin, it is really useful.
through @mourner's Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm
read it from `styles` as a parameter
also maybe add method for that