GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake has a Facebook account
AND Drake is not connected on Zappy with his Facebook account
WHEN Drake launches Zappy
THEN Drake should see a Facebook connect button
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake is successfully logged into Zappy app
AND Drake did launch Zappy app
WHEN Drake applies the viewing time
THEN Drake should start to see the first video playing
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake is successfully logged into Zappy app
AND Drake has at least 1 video in his news feed
WHEN Drake skips the video
THEN Drake should see the next video
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake is successfully logged into Zappy app
AND Drake has at least 1 video in his news feed
WHEN Drake starts to play videos
THEN Drake should see videos playing
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake is successfully logged into Zappy app
AND Drake has no video in his news feed
WHEN Drake tries to skip the video
THEN Drake should see a disabled skip button
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake is successfully logged into Zappy app
AND Drake has at least 1 video in his news feed
WHEN Drake skips the last video
THEN Drake should see an empty screen
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake has a Facebook account
AND Drake did authorise Zappy to access to his Facebook account
WHEN Drake tries to sign up with Facebook
THEN Drake should see his zappy vid…
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake is successfully logged into Zappy app
AND Drake did define the viewing time to 10 minutes
WHEN Drake starts to watch videos
THEN Drake should watch videos during 10…
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake is successfully logged into Zappy app
AND Drake did not define its viewing time
WHEN Drake starts to watch videos
THEN Drake should watch videos during 5 minutes on…
romsi updated
8 years ago
GIVEN Drake is a user
AND Drake is successfully logged into Zappy app
AND Drake has no video in his news feed
WHEN Drake starts to play videos
THEN Drake should see an error message describing tha…
romsi updated
8 years ago