Hi, I am using dsub to submit a bunch of jobs to GCE, which run inside a docker image and use the Python's `multiprocessing` library for further parallelization inside of that. The jobs themselves run…
Hey, really nice program you have created. I have just one problem. I backup to an external harddisk but I only get speeds around 12MB/s max. I use encryption for the backup but tried a repo without e…
when searching across multiple devices, cpu utilization is rarely the bottleneck but rather io is.
an option to scatter the search targets of threads would speed up search massively when searching …
ghost updated
4 years ago
### 目录
[第二十三讲 基础篇:Linux 文件系统是怎么工作的(2020.6.16)](https://github.com/lzh2nix/articles/issues/36#issuecomment-644793500)
[ 第二十四讲 基础篇:Linux 磁盘I/O是怎么工作的(2020.6.17)](https://github.com/lz…
I would like to get the values for the seasonality tests (particularly the p-values) from the section "Original (transformed) Series".
In JDemetra+, one can start a seasonal adjustment and under s…
This is not a bug - it's more like a gentle suggestion :-)
I am using borgbackup to do a weekly backup of my Arch Linux laptop contents to an Orange PI SBC running Armbian. I am doing this over bor…
0. 前言
Java 语言是当前互联网应用最为广泛的语言,作为一名 Java 程序猿,当业务相对比较稳定之后平常工作除了 coding 之外,大部分时间(70%~80%)是会用来排查突发或者周期性的线上问题。由于业务应用 bug(本身或引入第三方库)、内外部环境、底层硬件问题等原因,Java线上服务出现故障/问题几乎不可避免。例如,常见的现象包括部分请求超时、用户明显感受到系统发生卡顿等等。
### Describe the bug
With the latest version ov V on OpenBSD current/amd64 (future version 7.6), tests failed for `vlib/os/os_stat_test.v`.
### Reproduction Steps
- Build V on OpenBSD current…
### 缘起
老早就买了极客时间这个专栏,一直没有很完整的过一遍所有的章节,更多的是有遇到问题了之后再去查下某一个章节去看下,中间的学习也是断断续续。偶然的机会在油管看到tallkGo 最新的一次reading项目在讨论这个课程,就想着参加一下。依然是那句话 “一个人能够的很快,但是一群人能走的更远”。学习亦是如此。学习必须要不断的交流,交流中才会有新的碰撞。
### CPU