My `composer.json`:
"name": "myproject",
"type": "project",
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "": "src/" },
"classmap": [ "app/AppKernel.php", "app/AppCache.php…
Like here https://github.com/Elao/symfony-standard-extension/pull/11/files#diff-8ebce89d9c7de205daa19cd9eaf5f21aR39
After reading and trying all fixes found in here trying to get LexikJWT and FOSUser working together, I finally create my own new issue because I could really not find a way, it's still returni…
trait A {
public function foo(): string {
return B::class;
trait B {
class C {
use A;
> ERROR: UndefinedClass - 5:12 - Class or interface B does not …
I'd like to use the feature on some forms that are under a given namespace, but not on all forms. I use Sonata for the backend part of my website and I don't want Elao to interfere with it. So this wo…
``` yml
type: class
Acme\Ui\Bundle\AdminBundle\*: "@Ui/admin_layout.html.twig"
Is there a plan to add serializable interface to abstract class?
This then means that the enum can be serialized to a session or somewhere else.
Trying to install the bundle on Linux Mint I get the message:
Installing assets for Elao\WebProfilerExtraBundle into web/bundles/webprofilerextra
- Installing phantomjs (2.0.0)
For the collection items initialization process to work, the groups have to be direct DOM children of the collection element.
This should _at least_ be indicated in documentation.
I use NelmioApiDocBundle form one year now. I my code I am using input to display parameters in documentation. But from few months it is not working any more for all input set.
My annotation: