Every time the phrase "(Phonological elicitation)" occurs, there is no space between the second parenthesis and the next word, e.g. (Phonological elicitation)æ˩gv̩˩ tʰv̩˩-nɑ˥ - there's no space betwee…
- [x] Think of a Community Spesific Information Management System
- [x] Create and Process for a sub Community
- [x] Include and Think of Tools etc.
- [x] Do elicitation of Requirements
- [x] Def…
Task #7
Sherine should gather the list of requirements from the Statement of Work for the SUS.
**The Collective Intelligence Project** : https://static1.squarespace.com/static/631d02b2dfa9482a32db47ec/t/63e01fcbf73bb003a722792f/1675632588509/CIP+Whitepaper.pdf
**Democratic Fine-Tuning**: htt…
When new statements are added, we should have separate jobs within one workflow that can translate all our new statements and remove any duplicate statements that are generated after the translations …
Task for https://github.com/sandeepkumar1709/smarter-university-system/issues/7
Voohitha should gather the list of requirements from the Statement of Work for the SUS.
Task for #7
Sandeep should gather the list of requirements from the Statement of Work for the SUS.
Fill in the answers from the customer to the elicitation page.
# 🧱 Description
Revise the elicitation questions wiki page. This is also a sub-task for #61.
## 📋 Acceptance Criteria
- [x] The questions about the requirements wiki page is well-writ…
### Issue Type
### Issue Description
Prepare Elicitation Questions of the project in order to clarify the needs by communicating with the customer.
### Additional Context
_No response_