I was just wondering, what are the differences in the two main files (ACM_Team_2-master (1) and ACM_Team_2-master%20(1))? The latter may have been duplicated from the original because of the space in …
When I run the vqa_lxmert_unimodallime.py, I get an error of FileNotFoundError just likeFileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'tmp/vqa87721637.jpg' and I have downloaded the dataset …
### Description
It should be really easy to figure out where to go to change the text via the i18n files. Being easy probably means being able to look at the URL of the page you are on and from that …
There seems to be an issue when running Basilisp tests located in a subdirectory, where the test namespace does not include the root directory but the subdirectory is added to the `sys.path`.
Jubril will be creating a document so the group can better understand the file structure of the projects, so it can be referenced when coding - Due Friday May 24
I am convertin…
A single main.go file hurts to look at, maybe we can split this into the classic models/controller/routes structure? These are what I think we'll need for now -
1. `models/` - Contains model files …
The file structure is a little messy (I can say that cause I created it.)
We need a better directory structure. Also, bunches of classes are defined in "BaseFantasyClasses" and that's not a descript…
# Description
Kick off the `naivebayesservice` project by setting up the basic Go module and folder structure, along with a simple `main.go` file to serve as the entry point. Add a `Makefile` with co…
"But you also have folders such as "static" and "staticfiles" which you can move into its own folder such as a separate folders."
Review files and folder structure to see where we can optimize and …