I was just wondering, what are the differences in the two main files (ACM_Team_2-master (1) and ACM_Team_2-master%20(1))? The latter may have been duplicated from the original because of the space in …
I would love to see more consistency with file structure in our example repos. Customers will ask for file structure recommendations and I don't think we show that very well in our docs. From the gett…
Our current file name scheme is somewhat inconsistent:
* Profiles don't get any prefix
* Extensions are prefixed with "ext-" (this applies to the `.id` as well)
* ValueSets don't get any prefix
* …
### Bug summary
Hi I am getting this error. Please help me to solve this issue.
Thank you so much.
### Terminal output
(AmberTools23) bhattpan@dev-amd20-v100:/mnt/gs21/scratch/bhattpan/…
version: 3.0.0-alpha.12
pub enum Event {
Greeting { name: String },
Birthday { name: String, age: u8 },
will genterate
/* tslint:disable */
/* es…
The getting started page should contain information about
- how to set up the IDE
- information about how to contribute (not possible at the moment)
- how to start documentation preview locally
Jubril will be creating a document so the group can better understand the file structure of the projects, so it can be referenced when coding - Due Friday May 24
Feature: Design an Exercise
Scenario: Ask Exercise Creator Chat Agent to create exercise
Given the chat panel is open and the user can access exercise creator chat agent
I encountered an error when finetuning. The errors says:
And below is my file structure:
"But you also have folders such as "static" and "staticfiles" which you can move into its own folder such as a separate folders."
Review files and folder structure to see where we can optimize and …