Thank you for the awesome project! I am curious what your best practice would be to address an issue with competing registrations for IAuthenticationSchemeProvider? I'm using Duende v6 as the Identity…
Meetup Link: https://www.meetup.com/dotnetdc/events/285707602/
## Speaker
Chris Ayers (@codebytes)
## Topic
Feature Flags - The Art of the IF and Deployment
## Abstract
Feature fla…
I'm intending on using this library to build a multi-tenant app, using `WithEFCoreStore()`.
I'm following the sample code fine, and I have an existing tenant DB that I'm adding to the store (in `ap…
I think the `Func doStrategy` here:
I am new to this, so far, I think it is great. But I need some help getting past these initial steps.
in my Program.cs file
Does anyone have a full example a custom strategy implementation?
Also is there a way of preventing a controller from using finbuckle?
I'm trying to add Identity to StoreDbContext and I get error in IdentityDbContext, can't accept class
public class MultiTenantStoreDbContext : EFCoreStoreDbContext, IdentityDbContext
We would like this logic as a strategy. If name and password provided and nothing else then set a default tenantid from a database, otherwise use claims, otherwise use the url, etc... I think this m…
Hi everydody,
I get the information messages :
[Debug] GetIdentifierAsync: Found identifier: """"
[Debug] TryGetByIdentifierAsync: Unable to find Tenant with identifier """"
when I'm using the…
I've switched from .WithConfigurationStore to .WithEFCoreStore and now I'm wondering how to set the default values for the tenant like those in the appsettings.json file: