What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Installed and fixed missing dependencies as far as I could tell.
On Ubuntu 64 bit server, attemtped to run python2.7 gal.py
Received the following output:…
Turbūt svarbiausias programos aspektas yra ar ji teisingai veikia, tai yra ar visais atvejais suskaičiuoja tokį rezultatą kokį turėtų. Deja, apie šį aspektą knygoje yra praktiškai nekalbama ir būtų ge…
I'm looking at the enzyme ABO (https://api.glygen.org/protein/detail/P16442-1). In UniProt and GlycoEnzDB, it says that ABO catalyses very specific reactions, adding a GalNac or Gal to a Gal-Fuc:
Comparing the 370 Gal wing tank against the drawing shows that the model is too short and too thin. 300 Gal centerline tank put in for reference.
I am Gal Foox and I tested the app (Magic8Ball) of Kevin Song.
The target SDK was 29.
The minimum SDK was 19.
The code is available at: https://github.com/ksong227/CS3876392020/tree/master/Magic8Ba…
Hello GAM-team,
I try to run the following command:
_gam print contact_
(the same error with _gam print gal_)
What I get:
Getting all Contacts for xxxxxxx.xx
Traceback (most recent call last…
The new FITS keyword effects SourceDescriptionFitsKeywords, EffectsMetaKeywords, and SimulationConfigFitsKeywords create too long header keyword cards.
import scopesim as sim
import scope…
Hello, I tried to make this directive work without success!
exemple ;
gal\/_data\/cache\/.+\.cache or
gal\/_data\/logs\/log_.+\.txt or
it does not work !
thank you f…
Hello Gal,
My name is Brian Cooper, and I work on the Cortana Ecosystem team at Microsoft. I’ve had the opportunity to read about your skills on Alexa and I love the idea. I’m reaching out to see…
Ett inte obetydande antal företag rapporterar utsläpp i andra kategorier än de som GHG-protokollet anger. FÖRSLAG: Därför skulle vi behöva att Garbo 1. mappar mot GHG-protokollets kategorier och 2. id…