Design a UI mockup/ wireframe that quickly lays out the desired web functionality as listed in the use cases.
I'm using admin-on-rest version 1.1.1 with a setup that looks like this:
import { fetchUtils } from 'admin-on-rest'
const HttpClient = (url, options =…
Don't really see the point in continuing to support the in-app purchase... might as well just give it all away!
Cuando se entrega el examen, no graba porque la fecha es nula. Sigue el stack dump.
Estado HTTP 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationExcep…
Hi, first of all Thanks for your hard work, and sharing your framework.
I'm trying to deploy the server and I'm having some errors. I hope you can give me some clues about what can be happening. Than…
# Description
We want to encourage API owners in taking into account developer experience for their APIs. One of the ways to enourage this would be an incentive system, which gamifies the progress of…
- How do we explain the tools during the onboarding?
- How do we integrate the apps into a coherent flow?
Here is the problem: We've built a series of tools for teachers to use to learn writing sk…
Depois do Hangout de ontem (com muitas dicas legais e até algumas tretas leves, rsrs) decidimos por 2 projetos e mais 1 que eu vou adicionar.
1. API RESTful para Q/A nos padões StackOverflow (aplicaçã…
## Documentation and Styleguides
I've been hearing a lot about styleguides as way for teams to better organize and make sense of their code. Given the nature of OpenSource Projects and Github, having…
I found that somebody (I can't call him a Codewarrior though he is 2kyu) passed **all** his katas in Ruby by cheating.
The many different ways he is using have all the same aim: `==` will always retu…