I would like to suggest changing the name of the Hiero website repository to something more specific, such as `hiero-website`. The current repository name, `website` , is quite common and may lead to …
**Categorizing** and **tagging** are different functionalities. But apparently, `Category` page is using exactly the same layout as `Tag` page, which is not reasonable.
i.e. It's hard to skim the po…
**Issue details**
I'm using **FreeTypeFontGenerator** to generate khmer font for my game. But all the sub-consonants are drew wrong. For example, the word **\u1783** is **ឃ** but when it comes with…
Imperator (és Royo) szerint El Presidentének meg kell halnia...
请问为什么这么设置, 托管到github page里面就无效了而且总是黑色的
Our cpp-sdk depeneds on @8.6.0. The license can be found here: https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html
We need to check if we can use that license.
See https://github.com/LFDT-Hiero/tsc/issues/8 for mor…
Currently the score indicator and hashtag indicator at the top of the game scene use the CCLabelTTF class. This is not optimal, because each time setText() is called, a new texture is created and load…
Based on https://github.com/LFDT-Hiero/tsc/issues/4 we currently depend on `github-pages`, but the dependency is not used at all. Next to that the dependency brings in transtive dependencies that are …
Version: 1.3 master #3999, 27 Jan
There does seem to be some extra bold greek letters there, but most are missing or are garbled.
And it seems that no matter how much I try, I can't provide you gu…
add a node to post output image to discord via webhook like https://github.com/Hiero207/ComfyUI-Hiero-Nodes
add metadata to this node as an optional spoiler text or something that has a dropdown to r…