Not-so-well put together brain dump follows. Note that in some parts the tone may appear a bit harsh, but I stand by my criticism and believe that some of the issues I raise below will confuse the beg…
Under the 0.x code, and as best I can tell 1.x, it looks like object serialization is run for every single action in the system, regardless of if it changes the state or not. This could lead to overhe…
import { persistStore, persistReducer } from 'redux-persist';
import createReducer from './reducers';
const persistConfig = {
transforms: [immutableTrans…
Hello there,
I have a data structure as follows
obj1 = {
"Achildren": ["childobj1", "childobj2", "childobj3" ....],
"Bchildren": ["childobj4", "childobj5", "childobj6" ....],
Sorry it took so long to get around to this. I finally got a chance to dig a little deeper into the issue @ericnkatz and I were having here (https://github.com/tshaddix/react-chrome-redu…
# Promises 不够中立
译自[PROMISES ARE NOT NEUTRAL ENOUGH](https://staltz.com/promises-are-not-neutral-enough.html),作者[André Staltz](https://staltz.com/)。
`Promise` 的问题影响了整个 JS 生态系统。本文会讨论其中的一些问题。
# Universal React Boilerplate
This is a universal JavaScript application boilerplate using Express & React.
## Learn JavaScript with Eric Elliott
The Universal React Boilerplate was written for the …
- **A Pattern for Redux Thunk Async Actions**
- **The Power of Redux and React.lazy: Reusing UI and the Data Layer**
### 2017-9-6 晨读
* react的unmount只是把组件从界面上移除,组件的实例(普通的js对象)并没有销毁,由垃圾回收机制回收。
* [v8中对象存储有字典模式和快速模式,动态添加过多熟悉和删除属性会成为字典模式,效率会下降](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/28777722?utm_source=wechat_session&utm_medium…
## The devDependency [swagger-ui-dist](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui) was updated from `3.23.5` to `3.23.6`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/duyluonglc/adonis-mongodb-boilerpl…