Hi Lovyan. I am curious. I seem to recall that M5Unified included LovyanGFX library, however it now looks like it uses M5GFX, which looks like a branch of LovyanGFX. Can I ask why you did this, doesn'…
* Using master 1.2.4
* iMac macOS 10.15.7 (Catalina)
* VsCode 1.77.3
* PlatformIO Core, version 6.1.6
The combination of M5Unified and SdFat is not a problem though, M5Stack and SdFat combi…
Hi Im trying to have this application working for M5stackCore 2 model, the one which has three touch buttons at the bottom
but it does not work. Is there a specific version for this model?
M5Stack BasicでVOICEVOXを使う場合、音声がスロー再生したように遅くなる。
1. 'mods/chatgpt`を手順に従いセットアップする
2. modを実行する
3. スタックチャンが喋るときの音声がスロー再生したように遅くなる。
trying to build with platformio which works, but I2C handling of the BMMI150 fails
I get
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
### Device Name LOLIN D1 MINI ESP32
Hi, I'm using "lovyanGFX" library whit panel ILI9341 with this board:
- M5Stack CORE2 and library M5Unified
Everything works perfectly !
I'm …
Hi. Thank you very much for releasing such a useful library. 🙇
I have been trying to migrate from the M5Stack library to the M5Unified library and found a problem regarding SmartConfig. The followi…
1.use M5Unified lib;
2.use platfrom io IDE;
3.use Arduino Framwork base Espressif 32 Verision 4.2.0 lasted.
**Carefully written Issues are more likely to be given priority.**
## Environment ( 実行環境 )
- MCU or Board name: M5StickC
- Panel Driver IC: ST7789
- Lo…
`IMU_Class::getTemp()` is defined in `IMU_Class.hpp`, but not implemented in `IMU_Class.cpp` which leads to a link error when attempting to leverage the function.
Here is a possible implementation …